Lafayette New EP | (Must Listen)

Lafayette New EP | (Must Listen) Cakewalk Store is set to release a plethora of EP's for the general Lafayette. We working on consolidating previously recorded music as well as new released materiel. The consolidation of work is to ensure quality over quantity. When listening to an EP -you are observing 4 to 6 joints versus an album which is 12 to 24 or more songs. With the new release of Lafayette EP -it's easier to pay attention.  Be advised we are releasing EP after EP after EP after EP etc. It's not a game anymore. 1Love    Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name View previous campaigns.    

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CAKEWALK KIDS Support our children. Our kids are our future... When I was growing up in the system as a youth I was constantly told "I have to think practical" meaning I shouldn't follow my dreams because my dreams are too far fetched. The staff in the Group Homes I grew up in told us kids that we couldn't be professional musicians, no way we could make the NBA or NFL. No way we would become a doctor or lawyer. We were told to think more practical. Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name View previous campaigns.

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